Vinyl record store
in Moscow
From Monday till Sunday
12:00 - 20:00
We are located at
Staraya Basmannaya, 15 building 11 (Bauman Garden)

DiG is a record store located in the center of Moscow. Here you can find quality vinyl records at the right price. It is staffed by the owners who speak English and carefully monitor the collection. They will always help you find the record you need.
It does not matter if you are an experienced collector or a person far from the music looking for a gift. You can ask host for advice and they will always assist.
DIG opened on 10th June 2010, and during all this time we haven’t been just selling records but also trying to create the right vibe and crowd around what we’re doing. We've made concerts and parties, organized listening events and strived to share our favorite music by all means.
Most gigs we've supported took place in various Moscow clubs. We also organize a series of events called Sunday Vinyl School, during which participants listen to a vinyl record introduced by a musical expert, in complete darkness.

Our store has hosted performances by a number of most diverse underground rock acts such as Sonic Death, Hellspin, Mark Sultan, Andrey Mitroshin (Prodavtsi-konsultanty, Slackers), Polska Radio One, The Optical Sounds, Brinstaar, Pavel Myatniy, Phooey.
First records made it into in DiG from the personal collections of its founders. Everyone who works at the store is connected with music in one way or another, collects vinyl, and regularly performs with their DJ sets.
We began to carry out a variety of music events at the same time with the opening of the store. Later we began to play DJ sets in clubs and at various stages in Moscow and other cities.
We’re also often called not only to parties but to events not directly related to music. For example, this is not the first year we set up a radio-spot at Lambada Market where we play music with our friends.
Vinyl records
We sell new and old records without genre limitations. Here you can find classic rock albums as well as several hundred records with modern electronic music. There’s even a classical music department. There’s also jazz, funk, soul, disco, and hip hop sitting alongside punk, post punk, new wave, and records by artists who recorded their albums in the past few few years. In addition, there are various, sometimes very rare records released in Russia before the 90s and just recently.
Phone: +7 925 057 05 17